

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Protech Nemesis 2

Tried one of the newer Protech shuttlecocks, Nemesis when I joined a different group for a game tonight.

The Nemesis provides a nice feel when hit.

Good news is the feathers on the shuttle does not break even when you smash it hard. 

Unfortunately it slows down after being smashed hard several times. Hence it was normal to change shuttles atleast once or twice during a game. 

Do not have any pix of the shuttles but the sticker label design on the inside of the shuttle is similar to the PT-10 e.g gold background with black lettering. The tube colour scheme is similar to the Masterpiece.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sintec birdies

Found the following samples from the hall.

In the past, we tried their Black and Blue tube of shuttles (forgot the model numbers). These shuttles provided a nice feel when hit, but were not durable for a smashing game. Hence we stop using the brand for quite a number of years now e.g since 2007.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Flymax 5

Another birdie which I have not had the opportunity to play with yet.

2-layer cork structure.

Adding for recording purposes.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Li-Ning A-90

Have not had the opportunity to play with this model yet.

Holding both A-80 and A-90 together, the A-90 feels heavier than it's sibling.

As the pix below shows, the A-90 has a 3-layer cork structure vs 2-layer for the A-80.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Nami Gold

Was surprise to find the following brand and model in the hall, as I have not came across them in the sport shops.

When I searched BadmintonCentral, there were reference(s) to them in Singapore. Hence some party must be supply them. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fleet Platinum, F-9000, F-2002 and F-300

We do use Fleet shuttles from time to time, when our de facto standard is not available.

Of the following illustrated here, we have not use the F-300 before - found a sample in the badminton hall.

We discovered the F-2002 was not suitable for smashing games as the shuttles need to be changed after about three hits.

The F-9000 is pretty good quality but hard to came by. It is quite durable and retains the shape even after many hard hits.

The Platinum is the most expensive of the available models. It was our preferred birdie a number of years ago. Quality has drop since. Though the Platinum is still a good shuttle, it tends to be a bit light and the feathers tend to be unforgiving if the player hits it.

Cork structure for the shuttles seem to be the 3-layers, except for F-9000 which has 4-layers.

We currently prefer a different model of the Fleet shuttles. Will update once I open a tube.

Fleet Platinum, F-9000, F-2002 and F-300 in LHS->RHS

Fleet F-300, F-2002, F-9000 and Platinum in LHS->RHS