

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fake "Yonex" shuttlecocks (***Updated via Feedback***)

Was a visitor to a newly formed group in the East the other night. They advertised using Yonex shuttlecocks in Badmintoncentral. The organiser is active in MEETUP when I did a search on the net referencing the contact number.

Had a shock of my life once they passed a new shuttlecock for a game - you know it's a fake as the tube and the logo colour(s) are "off-tone", the shuttles are light with a flimsy rib-cage structure.

The fake AS-40 deforms after any 2nd or 3rd clears - not even smashes ...

Did not get a sample. Hence I found the following pix from a Chinese website. Atleast the selling website was honest and stated these are more suitable for cost-effective training.

Sample from the net

Quality of the shuttle cock structure is similar to the Prince Red in one of my previous post(s). Shuttlecocks in the above pix looks okay but trust me ... these must be the better condition ones from the tubes.

 Definitely will not be visiting this particular group again!