Joined a friend's group last night and they were using RSL Supreme shuttlecocks.
He advised the RSL Supreme is not as good as before and RSL has raised the price (again!) in-preparation for the introduction of GST in Malaysia on 1April2015. The previous price increase earlier this year was due to the MYR depreciation against the USD.
Sure enough the RSL Supreme shuttles were not as lasting as before - quite a few were tumbling a bit straight out from the tube(?), some had single broken feather after a few hits, and, some deformed after several average hits.
The previous RSL Supreme I know would slow down after a few hard hits and it was extremely rare for any broken feathers or deform ribcage - till the life expectancy of the shuttle was truly up. My previous post
Hence another one bites the dust ... price increases but quality not maintained.
Looks like another manufacturer is making a bee line for profits only