Finally had the time to revisit a group I used to join on and off. My previous visit was over about 2years ago.
Boy did I receive a SURPRISE ... they were using genuine Yonex AS50 (Speed-2) shuttles and charge only $6 per player!!!
Hats off to the organiser*for pulling off this feat!
The Yonex AS50 is what you would expect from a top notch quality shuttle aka defacto standard for other shuttles to aspire to.
My only comment is that Speed-2 AS50 was a bit faster on the clears (aka flat flight paths). Otherwise everything is as one would expect from the defacto standard.
*Reason I say so is because many groups in MEETUP.COM charge $6-16 per player for a 2hr session and provide mediocre shuttles or very small number of new shuttles only. Hence if he can provide real Yonex AS50 and charge $6 per player, these other organisers are really raking it in. Sure MEETUP charge for using their facility but it's a puny USD$2.99 for 6-months if you try registering a dummy group to find out the cost ... whats the next excuse for raking it in?