

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Indocock shuttlecock with Purple-ish tube

Join a group using the following Indocock shuttles (Indonesian brand) recently.

The company seem to rank their shuttle models by colour, with the Black model at the high end. The model reviewed is the purple-ish tube.

Here's the overall impression(s).

CostChecking the local Craig's List, found a few sellers for this particular Indocock model at SGD24. Googling the internet, you can see the cost in the country of origin.

Performance: It's fast as the shuttle is light. Has tendency to nose-dive towards the end of the flight path after the first few points.

When I was gathering feedback from other player(s), the consensus was that this Indocock is a shuttle with unbalanced properties and that it's not spinnable (aka not very controllable).

In addition, QA of the shuttles in the tube could be better as the shuttles do not "perform in a similar manner",  with some new shuttles "twitching" during flight while others more aerodynamic (speedwise).

Durability: Single new shuttle can only last about 2-3points with average smashes before deforming with shattered feather ends. Hence NOT suitable for any intensive games.

In summary, I would consider this Indocock shuttlecock model as suited for beginners or training purposes only. For the cost of SGD24 or roughly RM72 (or if you just pay a SGD1 more), there are other much better products out there.

If in-doubt of the above review, please purchase a tube to try out for yourself