

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Easy way to determine the sweet spot of a badminton racquet

Since the country is on stay home situation, I will not be able to review any shuttlecock(s) for a while.

Thus am taking this opportunity to inform on other methods which can assist with shuttle flight.

The follow vid presents a quick and easy way to determine the sweet spot of your badminton racquet.

Hitting the shuttle at the sweet spot enables the optimum transfer of energy from your racquet to the shuttle with a nice sound - it's like comparing the sound from a rifle shot vs a pistol, it's very distinctive.

Another tip is to use a darker coloured string. You can then see the residue white marking(s) on the darker string after hitting the white head of the shuttlecock.

Found the following on the net when Googling for a detail explaination of why you try to hit the shuttlecock at the sweetspot.